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Why do pigs scour? 仔猪为何会腹泻?
日期:2019-05-21 阅读:1165次

There is nothing worse than watching aperfectly good newborn pig waste away due to scouring.


There are two main reasons that pigs scour.They are; lack of immunityand challenge to the immune system.




A pig is born with an immature immune system.  The piglet relies on passive immunity from colostrum.  Passive immunity helps protect against virus and helps build active immunization until the active piglet immunity kicks in and takes over.


Table #1

In Table #2 we recognize the different groups of organisms that are likely to enter the piglet.  The piglet must have antibodies ether through passive immunity coming from colostrum or active antibodies produced by the piglet.  In the first 2 weeks the piglet has no active antibodies.  All the antibodies come from colostrum.  Without the proper immunoglobins in the colostrum the piglet can still get scours. The sow must have exposure to these organisms through vaccines or backfeeding during gestation to make sure the immunoglobins are in the milk.   Especially the organisms in groups A and B.  Organisms in groups C and D need immunoglobins that will come through vaccines to the piglet itself and are developed by the piglet.  Some antibodies do carry on into group C from passive immunity.


Table #2


Group A:E. coli, Clostridium Perfringens, Staphylococcus hyicus

Group B: Coccidia,Streptococcus suis types 1 and 7

Group C:Rotavirus,Streptococcus suis types 2 and 14, APP, AD (PR), PRRS, EP,Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Shigella dysenteriae, toxigenic P.multocida, Enteroviruses.

Group D:Parvovirus,Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Leptospira Bratislava

The message is to develop antibodies through the colostrum orthrough vaccines.






Challengeto the immune system.


Challenge overrides the immune system in many ways.  The 5 main are: (social, environmental, metabolic,immunological and due to human handling).


The most common are;


Massive exposure toorganisms.  Bacterialor Virus load will over whelm the piglet to fight off infection.  This occurs when the pen is dirty, sow is dirty, water is contaminated or if the sow is shedding organisms in hermanure.  These can all be avoided byproper preparation before parturition. Sows are moved into farrowing 3 to 5 days before parturition.  The vulva area, the floor behind her and herudder can be scrubbed each day up until she farrows.  Use a long-handled brush and a Virkonsolution.


Poor environmental conditions.  This occurs when basicventilation, heating, humidity and cooling needs for the sow and the piglet arenot followed.  Thepiglet needs temperatures of 29C to 32C. With ventilation rates of 2 to 25 cfm’s. the sow needs temperature of 18C and cfm’s of 20 to 500.  Both chilling and drafting piglets can causestress relating to suppression of the immune system in the piglets allowing fororganisms to override the antibodies.

环境状况较差。该情况多见于母猪及仔猪所需的基础通风、保暖、湿度和降温等条件不到位。仔猪所需温度介于29℃到32℃之间,而通风率需要达到2-25cfm(立方英尺/每分钟)。母猪所需理想温度为18℃,通风率需达20-500 cfm。温度太低及贼风都会造成仔猪出现同免疫抑制相关的应激,从而为微生物越过抗体而入侵提供可乘之机。

通风Ventilation, cfm/hd

Insufficient nutrients: quality of milk or not enough colostrum in the first 24 hours.  Piglets stomach is damaged by scours andcannot digest nutrients.


Too long in birthing process.  The stress of parturitionis also a contributing factor in supressing the immune system.  This can cause stress by affecting the energyof the piglet.


Weaning and mixing pigs.  The pig behavior at weaningand during grouping of pigs causes fighting, competition for feed and water,hierarchy of group.


Bleeding out of the umbilical cord at birth.  Tie the umbilical cord off by just putting a simple knot in it or if it is too short use string.

出生时脐带出血 只需简单地将仔猪脐带打个结即可,如果脐带太短可以用线来绑。

Immune system is supressed by other diseases in the sow or the piglet. Such as PRRS.


Birthweights. Piglets with birth weight under 1000 gramshave a hard time getting to the udder and have very low energy reserves tocombat cold or invasive organisms.  Feed more the last 3 weeks in gestation.  Hand feed these pigs in the first few days to make sure they get colostrum and enough milk.


Diet.  Nutrients and ingredientsaffect metabolism and digestibility. Also some ingredients can cause irritated bowl syndrome.


作者:Lorne Tannas ,Alberta Technology Consultancy (Shanghai)Co. Ltd


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